Sunday, June 17, 2012

Stella Lamari 2

The essay “Cultural Imperialism: An American Tradition” by Julia Galeota which was published 2004 in “The Humanist”, criticizes how the American culture and industry affect people from all over the world. Julia Galeota explains different methods how American products can be spread everywhere and the important role of marketing. Culture and economy relate to each other and they can bring problems with.                                                          
According to Julia Galeota many cultures around the world are disappearing due to American culture.       She also claims that America wants to control 95% of the world’s consumers and takes as examples the dissemination of the American film industry (Disney) and McDonald’s (p.22). Sure every country wants to be successful and powerful. A solid economy permits to live in prosperity. Germany produces cars like Mercedes, Opel and VW and sells them everywhere. France exports vine and agricultural products.                          
Why America should not exports fast food and films?
Walt Disney filmed animated films like “Cinderella”, “Snow White” and “Pinocchio”. These animated films do not endanger the Asian, European or other cultures. They teach children to distinguish between justice and injustice and always have an educational sense. To create such animated films was a great idea. It was a hazard that Walt Disney who had the idea was an American. Why should America not export Disney films? If Walt Disney had lived in Germany, the German film industry would have exported his films worldwide, too. Another aspect is globalization. Not only is fast food from McDonald’s available for nearly everyone. Now we have the chance to eat Chinese, Greek, Turkish and Asian food. The society has changed, especially the woman role. Male and female, both are working now and are equal. They live in stress and do not have the time to cook. It does not matter, if they eat a burger, Pizza or a doner, because they have the possibility to choose.
Julia Galeota also claims that Americans believe in the superiority of their culture. We should consider the example of the Jingoists and the concept of social Darwinism. The concept is that the “stronger”, “superior” cultures will overtake the “weaker”, “inferior” cultures (p.22). The Jingoists were not the only population who interpreted Darwin’s theory in a special way. There are many interpretations of his theory (Germany during World War II).  I think every nation is proud of its culture (Greek, Spanish, French people). The difference is that they are not enough motivated to spread their culture worldwide! The main aim is to export American products and not to erase other cultures! I do not think that the United States force us to accept its opinion about what is “good”, “just” or “modern” (p.24), because every national should be major to decide by himself what is good or not. According to Immanuel Kant (Sapere aude) every national should use his mind and reach a decision without be affected by others. People who live in a country without oppression have the possibility to decide how far American culture and products will affect their lives!

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